Wednesday, June 22, 2011

$20 prop challenge

I have to hurry up and finish up my creation for the $20 prop contest over at hauntforum.  I only have 8 days left now to get it finished and entered.  I suppose I'm actually not too far off.  I only have to find a stick....and make it pointy on one end.  Hmmmmmm what am I making with a stick....and PVC pipe...I'll post pictures of it once here once my entry is approved.  I'm actually a little worried about my entry not being approved.  The theme for this year's contest is graveyard madness.  Each entry must belong in a graveyard, mine is a bit of a stretch but hopefully when I explain it the judges will allow my entry.

working with clay

I've found that working in clay is quite enjoyable.  It's cheap, easy to work with, and probably best of all, my many screw ups can be erased just as quickly as I can roll them into a ball and start again.  Sculpey is my clay of choice.  (  For anybody not familiar with it, it is an oven bake clay and dries evenly with no cracking.  I've noticed that thin parts of the sculpt remain slightly flexible even after drying so if the piece is bumped they don't automatically break off.  Once it is dry it accepts paint well with no chipping or flaking.  Anyway, enough kissing up to the corporation.

Like I said my projects are quite simple.  My first sculpt was nothing more than a little toe pincher coffin.  I originally had the idea of putting a green led inside of it to give it a nice eerie glow but decided against it.  It's still nice and hollow anyway.

The second piece I did was something I had in my head for a long time.  It's just a tree with a couple of gravestones and a little pumpkin.  I don't know why I had been thinking of this particular sculpt for such a long time.  I am quite happy with how it turned out though.  The tree is my favorite part and the leds really make it look quite strange.  

If you want to see some really good uses of clay go to any of the Masters of Spooky sites to the right. DeadSpider's facebook page has some excellent examples of spooky miniatures (